I asked on UKScrappers for help and NO ONE was helpful.
So my poor sister was roped into listening to my ideas!
Its a little on the blury side as I took it with my phone, which doesn't seem to be working! lol!
I love it, and hope my friend will.
The idea of the shell is that when we first met we went to Frinton and I picked up the shell...so I'm chuffed! lol
Pumpkins are looking GREAT!
I'm really chuffed as there are sooooooo many growing now but this is by far the biggest!The peppers bless them have been over shaddowed by the pumpkins, but I really didn't realise HOW big the whole plant would grow!
I ate a carrot the other day, and despite being small it was really tasty!
And as for the corn...I don't really know whats happening with that, guess I need to pick another one to check if the inside has grown yet?
Any ideas?
Ohhhh also got 2 tiny stupid looking runner beans on the plant S6 grew at school and I tried to kill by pulling the roots out! lol thats not really how it happened! It was stuck in the glass jar!!!
Had a lovely afternoon at the zoo with I3, who kept telling me..."I'm having a lovely day at the zoo Sarah' despite the fact we did the zoo Wednesday too! Nothing like abusing the Gold Card!
Still feeling rough, can't sleep!
Feel really bad I let down my friend L tonight, but didn't want to feel akward as I was sick last night and I hate being sick at home, let alone in someone elses house :o(
Sorry L if your reading!
Hoping to drug myself up again tomorrow and hit Southend with her!
2p machine here I come! lol
I'm not going to edit my orginal post, as my blog is very much a blog on everything, from 'The good, the bad and the just plain boring'
But I would like to appologise to those who are reading from UKscrappers.
I just totally lost insperation and was annoyed coz it was a project that was important to me, so more cross at myself than with the lack of help.
I can understand it must be hard to offer help when you have loads going on yourself!
Sorry xxxx
Yes, maybe, BUT Leo DID offer help in the form of various ideas. I note you haven't let anyone know that on here though have you? Hope you don't need to ask for help another time.
I wouldn't help either with an attitude like yours!!
I've debated what to do over these comments...I'm leaving them on.
I have sent a personal appology to the person in question.
It was never my intention to offend them as I have pointed out.
I WAS offered help and I think I might have pointed that out but maybe not clearly enough.
'more cross at myself than with the lack of help'
I hope i'm not ignored when asking for help as that would be just as childish as me having a bad day and not write my blog as nicely as I could have done.
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