Monday, 6 October 2008


The 1st October meant the 4th edition of Nanny’s Helping Hand magazine, which I am now hoping to have a regular article in.
Last month I had an article about going on holiday with the families, which was a one off, but something I felt I needed to write as so many nannies think going on ‘holiday’ with families will be fun, but that’s not always the case. So I wanted people to be aware of the down sides too.

This month I was asked by the Editor of the magazine if I would write a regular article about facts on the month. This was due to her noticing my love of random fact shared on Facebook.
This month being October, I decided Halloween would be a good start.
The article can be found at

I’ve been working on November’s fact file and have found some fun facts about Guy Fawkes and fire works. I have a few more bits I would like to add, as also in November is Remembrance Sunday, but so far its looking quite fun at the moment.
While looking for facts I came across this poem I liked

November woods are bare and still;
November days are clear and bright;
Each noon burns up the morning's chill,
The morning's snow is gone by night..
Helen Hunt Jackson

I maybe should have held onto it till November, but maybe someone might take a liking to it to and use it for something else.

I finally decided after 3 visits to The Paper Mill Shop (in Braintree Freeport) that I was going to buy the Xcut templates and blades, with my Loyalty Card I got £10 off so the 3 templates and the cutter with 2 blades cost me £4.99 BARGIN!
If I don’t get on with them then I shall just buy the Creative Memories one I have been using while doing the course, but at about £30 for the cutters and then an additional £14 for the templates I thought this might be a cheaper way.
I have the oval templates, but the square ones (well sort of they have rounded corners) are only £4.99 so might buy some of those at a later date if I decide I like the Xcut.
I have a busy week ahead of me, sorting out children’s clothes, and I might even try to make a start on sorting the toys out AGAIN…although maybe that could wait till a little closer to Christmas??!!!
I need to get cracking on the ‘create your own calendar’ with the girls as that is Mummy and Daddies Christmas present this year. I also want to make Christmas cards with India for her friends, and need to work on invites for our children’s Christmas Party.
Worked out numbers of about 40 children…going to have to find a way to cut it down, but how do you choose????
This year I plan to make the nannies buy there charges the Santa present and also bring a plate of food. I think it makes more sense as the last 2 years I’ve been out of pocket from throwing a party for all the nannies. I will still provide the activities and host it, but just want people to be more willing to help out!

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