Monday, 27 October 2008

My babies...

Were carved today! :o(
We had 9 pumpkins, smallest top right and biggest bottom left!


Catherine said...

Excellent carving skills. I will post mine when I have done them. Only two to do though.

voodoo vixen said...

LOL - they are cute!! You carved them all? I always found that hard work!!

* Sarah * said...

I grew them from seeds so they are my little babies! lol
I carved them all.
Some were small...i'll get a picture of tehm all lined up!

Claire said...

Sarah, They look Wicked!!, You've got loads. I've only got one. They look great. Are you growing them again next year?
Great carving by the way, its so much fun isn't it?! :)

* Sarah * said...

Yeh i'm gonna grow them earlier next year and try to get bigger pumpkins!
It really was good fun carving, girls had great fun and we got so messy, in fact i'm still picking pumpkin up everywhere!

* Sarah * said...

Yeh i'm gonna grow them earlier next year and try to get bigger pumpkins!
It really was good fun carving, girls had great fun and we got so messy, in fact i'm still picking pumpkin up everywhere!

x Rachel x said...

Wow! great pumpkins, it must have taken you ages to carve that little lot! lol
Rach x